Quotes by Great Men on India!

Lately, I have been missing my motherland, India, rather sorely. In flashes, the memory of my country haunts me as I go about doing my daily task. I recall the biddings of my grandmother, the care of my parents, the playfulness of my siblings, the chidings of my teachers, the companionship of my friends, the humdrum of daily life, the sights, the feel…everything.  I guess, I am homesick and I need to see that beloved land soon.

A while back, two lovely bloggers Susan Langer and Sneha had challenged me for 3 Quotes 3 Days challenge. Do check out their wonderful blogs. 

The Rules of the challenge:

  1. Post three consecutive days.
  2. You can pick one or three quotes per day.

  3. Challenge three different bloggers per day.

——————————-Today, I shall take up this challenge and since I feel homesick, my thoughts and quotes revolve around India . However, I am taking the liberty of combining the three quotes three days challenge into one due to time constraints. I hope I will be forgiven.

I have chosen 9 great quotes ( courtesy Google) on my motherland, written by famous people. I think you will like them! 


 And last but not the least, once again by Albert Einstein:
As for the third rule of the challenge, I nominate You. Do try this fun challenge, if You have the time and something to say. Take care!

Images courtesy Google

29 thoughts on “Quotes by Great Men on India!

  1. deepak nagpal

    Such a lovely post fren. Makes me feel proud of my country again amid myriad of problems facing us. Gives hope amidst mindless violence in the name of seeking reservation, water crisis, anti-national sentiments etc etc. True, one may love the convenience and luxury of the west, but can’t avoid missing India – a very different kind of place on this planet. I had felt same when I was in UK for 20 days. Was itching to come back after 15 days. Come back soon to experience the beauty of diversity! Hope to see you soon.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey fren… Thank you for reading. Yes, We are planning to take the trip soon. I hope all the crisis being faced in India ends soon. Politics is getting dirtier everyday. But then there are great examples being set by our soldiers on the other hand. May sanity prevail! India will remain great… It is a spiritual land 🙂

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  2. Some wonderful quotes, Shivangi, which I really enjoyed reading through. You picked a good mix, too. I can understand how much you miss your homeland. (I’m bad enough being on the other side of England from my home town!) No matter how happy you are in Australia, India will always be ‘home ‘ to you. I hope you manage to make that visit back to India soon. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Why did I think you were in Australia? I knew you’d been to the US – I read your posts about working there. Somehow, I thought you were in Australia now. Sorry. Have a wonderful time when you do visit India.

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        1. Oh no… that’s ok Millie. It happens to me all the time. I am in Minnesota, a very cold place in the USA. I have enjoyed my time here but I terribly miss India. Will post pics of India as soon as I visit. 😀

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