A Short Laughing Message for 2016

My Dear,

2015 slipped away like a fine muslin cloth! It is now time to bid Good Bye to the old year and welcome the brand New Year 2016. My first year of blogging has been incredibly delightful, all thanks to You! I have a world of good wishes for You but primarily, I wish You a year full of laughter. πŸ˜€

The Sanskrit book ‘Dasarupa’, a treatise on Dramaturgy, lists six types of laughter. They are:

  1. Smita – A sweet faint Smile
  2. Hasita – A smile slightly revealing tips of the teeth
  3. Vihasita – Gentle laugh in which mouth opens a little
  4. Upahasita – A little more pronounced laughter with some body movement
  5. Apahasita – Booming laughter that brings tears to eyes
  6. Atihasita – Doubling with uproarious laughter

I hope and pray that the New Year brings to you abundance of Joy every day – Smita with tea in the morning, Hasita in the breakfast hour, Vihasita during lunch, Upahasita post lunch, Apahasita in the coffee break and Atihasita during dinner time! Laughter, laughter and more laughter….:)

Stay blessed and healthy friends, see you in the New Year!


29 thoughts on “A Short Laughing Message for 2016

  1. Dear Shivangi,
    Nice message for the NEW YEAR.God bless you with all the best of the world.
    Greetings for the New Year to you, family and friends.
    Your postings during 2015 have been very interesting, Hope to enjoy more in the coming year.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Sir,
      I am very thankful and grateful to you for following and appreciating my blog posts throughout the year. Your words motivate me and I hope I will not disappoint you in 2016.
      Wishing you a great New Year to you and your family, Sir. Thanks a lot!


  2. Goswamishivam

    Superb i like it ! And happy new year to you Shivangi and your family with my best wishes and my wishes always with you nd also i hope you post more very soon i am wait foe your post…………………… . . . . . . .. .

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Shivangi!
    l read all the posts where I have put my like with a spirit of admiration for you.
    It is 1 am here and I am typimg from my smart phone. excuse any mistakes as I am not used to type on my cell phone.
    Shall again come to you.

    Liked by 1 person

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