The Big Brother

He knew it was late. His mother would be anxiously waiting for him but he wanted to dilly dally. He wished, she could come down to receive him at the bus stop just like she used to do! But these days she was always busy with the whining little thing, they brought from the hospital. 

It was his dream to be a big brother but now he realised how challenging it was. The baby was a cranky one. If only they could replace her with a sweet, sleepy baby! He no longer liked being a big brother. He wanted constant attention from his parents more than ever.

Dragging his feet, he went home. His mother was at the door with the baby. She reproached him for loitering around. But the cranky one smiled. He ignored her. But she cooed again and held out her baby hand. 

His feelings changed from dejection to exhilaration! She was quite cute, after all!

(This is my entry to the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers hosted by the lovely Priceless Joy. We are given a photo prompt and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. This challenge is open to all who would like to participate. Thank you Jessica Haines for the image. Please CLICK HERE for more.)

43 thoughts on “The Big Brother

  1. My daughter though she loved her younger brother took some time in adjusting to little facts… when he could do his business in a diaper, why should he always be held gently why was he given priority when he was an infant… took a month but eventually she took over his responsibility completely and became more of his mommy than his big sister

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehehe yes. Thank you. If you want to participate write a story based on the picture in 100-175 words. Then copy the link and paste it in the linkup to FFFAW by clicking the froggy. Check out my click here at the end of the story to know more.


  2. I can identify with the ‘big brother’ in your sweet story, Shivangi. I was three when my sister was born and I was insanely jealous of the attention she got. The jealousy didn’t last long, fortunately and we soon became very close, and still are. The part about the cute little smile that won him over is lovely. 🙂

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  3. mandibelle16

    Cute, this one made Made me laugh. It’s true for siblings, babies are nothing special until they can connect with them. I have a feeling as the baby grows he’ll like being a big brother better 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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