Seven Deadly Sins and Me!


Now that I am almost on the 24th out of 28 magic steps, I can see what joy lies beyond! But first, I must sit to catch my breath! Looking down the steps, I can see the Sins hovering around to stop those who try to come up the stairs. 

I was almost killed by the Sins. Initially, Pride puffed me but I prayed and got delivered. Then came Greed in form of precious pebbles, I ignored it. Lust tried to blind me with dirty images but I did not fall. 
But unfortunately, a bug bit me and Anger took over. I rolled down. But thankfully, I persisted and started again. This time, I dodged Gluttony and Envy to rush right up here.

But… aah… what is making my body so heavy? I feel soooo sleepy! Oh, no Sloth is still around, getting better of me. I hope I make it…

Partcipating here after a long break. Had missed it! This my entry to the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers hosted by the amazing Priceless Joy. We are given a photo prompt and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. This challenge is open to all who would like to participate. Thank you J S Brand for the image. Please CLICK HERE for more.

The blessed soul of Lucy Gray


“The cemetery spread along the area known as Devils Abode.” People believed that the entire stretch was haunted.

But actually, the Devil lived there!

Contrary to popular belief, the devil was a perfect gentleman. His task was to aid God in finding pure souls by luring away the sinners. It was his duty to be mean and conniving, so that only the best could reach God.

In the last few centuries, Hell had been a crowded place. And the good-bad balance was going haywire. And then along came Lucy Gray!

The child had died in a snowstorm while looking for her mother. The seven deadly sins had failed to lure her soul into hell for her faith was deep.

Now, it was His duty to tempt her.

But He felt He was fighting a lost battle for a change. To His relief, He was no match to the simple little girl’s pure soul. Lucy belonged to nature and God.

(This week’s response to Mondays Finish the Story is a tribute to one of my favourite poems Lucy Gray or Solitude by William Wordsworth. It is a great work in ballad form emanating purity and devotion. The poem is about Lucy Gray who got lost in snow storm while looking for her mother. My story is a fictionalised account of her life after death. You can read the poem here – Lucy Gray )

This story is a part of the wonderful ‘Mondays Finish The Story Challenge’ by Barbara Beacham. She provides us with a photo prompt, the first sentence, and approximately 150 words with which we are to use to write our story. To take up the challenge click here – MFtS