The Epic Awesomness Award

I’ve been nominated for this
award title by my dearest blogger friend Millie Thom, whose works are always on my must read list.

She is a versatile writer, who packs creativity and information masterfully in her works. Her castle explorations and travelogues are memorable works, fit to be included in study courses. Do peep into her blog and you will know not one word here is an exaggeration. I am very thankful to her for nominating me for The Epic Awesomness Award. It is awesome to be referred to as awesome by a blogger as awesome as Millie…!

Before I begin about this award in particular, allow me to apologise to some of my blogger friends who nominated me for various awards, but I couldn’t accept those due to time constraints, sicknesses, domestic duties. Nevertheless, I have been very very thankful to them for  encouragement and support.

This particular award is special as it allows flexibility to ramble and there are not many specific questions to answer. Here are the rules:
1. You are awesome; tell us why.
2. You are my friend; tell us about other friends.
3. Be creative, but it’s ok if you are having trouble with this one.
4. There are no direct questions to answer; let yourself run wild!
5. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
6. Notify your nominees.

Here goes my answer:
I believe that I am Awesome simply because I believe in the power above me. I am nothing, He makes me special. I am not creative, He gives me ideas. I barely get time to express, He schedules everything for me…It is Him that makes me Awesome. Earlier, there were times I doubted myself all the time…even now I seroiously doubt my abilities and skills. But gradually, I have learnt to surrender my works, my actions to Him. I just need to work hard, He takes care of the rest. I am just a body, He is life. I am still learning that miracles do happen when you least expect them… and that there is something magical in our existence…the most important thing is to have faith!

I haven’t reached the stage when I consider myself a part of Him. I am a very ignorant seeker. However, I am happy being in His company. We are friends😀.

I am lucky and so very grateful. People around me have always been awesome. First, my parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunties, cousins, friends …all of them were and are wonderful part of my childhood in small town India. And subsequently, my job years, friends, colleagues all were lovely in their own ways. And now, my kids, my husband and the new family – awesome in a myriad ways.

Last but not the least, my readers and fellow bloggers, are totally awesome people! Everyday I educate myself with your posts… get motivated by your likes and responses…and write to seek your company and feedback. Sometimes a message… a feedback… a like makes my day!

Here is a list of ten general things that make life awesome for me:
1) Cuddly babies who look so magical ( Cheers to all the newborns this year)
2) The ever changing pattern on the sky
3) Sound of laughter
4) Sinful icecreams, cakes, sweets
5) Unplanned outings to explore the world
6) An unexpected and sweet message out of nowhere
7) Genuine smile and nod from a stranger
8) Colourful and vibrant festivals
9) Books
10) WordPress
My Nominees: It is time to nominate some of my fellow blogger friends whom I consider as fabulous and awesome (I would be glad if you accepted the award but if you are unable to… no issues at all). They are each gifted and special people and I love their posts. Here goes the list:
Lata Sunil
Susan Langer
Sherin Skaria
Nimi Naren
Just Maria

26 thoughts on “The Epic Awesomness Award

  1. Reblogged this on But I Smile Anyway… and commented:
    Thank you dear Shivangi, for seeing Awesomeness, or even Epic awesomeness in me, at a time I feel shattered and totally below par. It’s the kind of pick me up I needed! Thank you again!
    A reblog of gratefulness and filled with appreciation and thanks! ☺


  2. What a wonderful response to this award, Shivangi! I knew it would be when I nominated you – you always do things so thoroughly and thoughtfully. Like me, you enjoy a chance to ramble, too. It was really lovely to read your thoughts on being awesome and what motivates you. And thank you for all the very flattering things you said about me and my blog.
    I must apologise for not responding yesterday. I was in Nottingham all day, and got home too late to reply to the number on notifications in my inbox.
    Thank you again for accepting the award. I know how hard it is to fit things in, especially with little ones around – and Christmas around the corner. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much Millie for your lovely words and for giving a chance to ramble. I enjoyed writing this post. Your visit to Nottingham means another castle exploration post…wow! Thank you Millie…cheers for everything😀

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      1. There is a castle in Nottingham, Shivangi, but it’s quite a recent one, by my standards! There is very little left of the medieval one, mentioned in the Robin Hood films.That was razed on Cromwell’s orders after the Civil War ended in 1649. The new one is 17th Century. But I might do a historical post on Nottingham later on. On this occasion we went to see what the Christmas Market was like there.
        I loved your award post. If read beautifully! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thanks a lot Millie… Would love to read the post on Nottingham. Britain has a glorious history and I love reading about it. Art, architecture, scandals, intrigues…I love them all. Stay blessed this merry season!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Congratulations on the award and thanks for the nomination. Your blog definitely fits in the ‘awesome’ category! I love your list of what makes life awesome for you, especially no. 7 – ‘Genuine smile and nod from a stranger’. I tend to smile at everyone and love to get smiles back. The world would be a better place if everyone smiled more. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Pingback: Wrapping Up 2015: Awards [Epic Awesomeness Award] | This is Another Story

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