One virus that not just impacted health…

I saw them all falling victim during this peace time war-like situation…

A little, broken boy who depended on school meals…

An assistant teacher who had been saving for college tuition…

An old lady who picked leftovers from empty racks at her grocery store…

One sudden layoff that left a family in a lurch…

A single mom who got released from her job in a closing restaurant…

A sick girl who had been waiting for Spring to play in the park…

A housewife who struggled to keep kids quiet as the husband worked from home…

A family that had saved and booked for a vacation…

A student who wanted to pass an exam to support his family…

A family whose visa needs demanded travel during hazardous times…

Parents who had made plans for their daughter’s wedding…

A niece who wanted to visit her dying aunt in a different city…

A family stuck in another country waiting for this ordeal to pass…

So many lives have stopped, changed and jolted as coronavirus continues to spread around the world…

But I have immense faith in the resilience of the human spirit. Hang in there, this too shall pass!🙏🏻

(Image courtesy Google)

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