Small Things#19 – Mona Lisa through a Kid’s Eyes

The art room in my kids’ school has a Mona Lisa painting. The little one especially has great interest in the famous lady as he feels that her eyes moves around. So, a little conversation took place between us to decode Mona Lisa and here is what the four-year-old thinks of the painting.

Me – Is Mona Lisa happy or sad in the painting?

LO – She is creepy… no… wait, creepy-smiley. She is happy but looks creepy too. She is not sad at all.

Me – What do you think is her age?

LO – She is 56 year old grown up.

Me – What is the best part of her face.

LO – Her lips! It’s just a line. And her eyebrows are down touching her eyes. She is always staring but if there is a staring contest, I will win.

Me – What else?

LO – She is wearing black and has a dupatta (veil) and her skin is yellow. See, mine is tan. She is standing by a mountain.

Me – What is she thinking about?

LO – She is thinking of herself.

Me (showing the painting of Mona Lisa on phone) – Do you want her painting in your room?

LO – (Runs away) She is creepy…nooooooo!

Images courtesy Google

8 thoughts on “Small Things#19 – Mona Lisa through a Kid’s Eyes

        1. Rashi Singh

          My pleasure. Earlier, I too used to think that Mona Lisa had eyebrows but thanks to you, I realised she doesn’t. I searched it up and found out that her eyebrows and lashes were removed due to restoration and other processes. Your post is really funny, though! Loved it.

          Liked by 1 person

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