16 thoughts on “Sarphira Holi!

    1. Glad Shiva. Spring time is hectic time. But will take time out and will see what you have been writing since my reader doesn’t show you post. Thanks a lot for coming over and spending so much time here🙏🏻

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      1. I was away from blogging for a while Shivangi due to various reasons.
        But I think most bloggers who are on my follow are not getting my posts in their reader and I am too. What to do about it, do you know?
        I make it a point to go and visit my favourite bloggers when I get time and I start from where I had left to date mostly.
        Thanks 🙏

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        1. Ok Shiva. I think WordPress has some contact details/support staff who can help. Do write to them. Otherwise how will others read and see posts on the reader. Do contact them. Hope all turns out well


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