Bar Girl and More!

A visit to the awe inspiring Marine Art Museum at Winnona, Minnesota charmed the artist in me. Who knew a small wayside museum would hold grand artistic splendors created by masters such as Picasso, Van Gogh, Monet…!!!

 I was fortunate to be the first one to admire some recently added exhibits, informed an assistant curator. I marveled and oohed and aahed over the visual delights all around me. 

The visit filled me with a passion to create, leading me on to paint the bar girl (impressionism, above) using water color for the first time. I also went on to draw two sketches. 

A Marilyn Monroe like beauty!

A girl next door!

The artistic frenzy has still not left me and I guess I will have to create more to get over it.  

The Winona Marine Art Museum, situated along the scenic Mississipi river has left me inspired and wowed! I bought an amazing book on Impressionism. Will write more about it sometime soon. This last one by Morisot is an exhibit at the museum.

I highly recommend a visit if you live around!

40 thoughts on “Bar Girl and More!

  1. mandibelle16

    Great job with the sketches you really capture the essence of these women in their face. Sounds like a wonderful exhibit, I’d love to go lol. I can see how you did the cartoons for your second book, you have skills as an artist for sure 🙂

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    1. Thanks a ton Mandi. I didn’t know a visit to thar museum would have such nice effect on me. For the first time I saw the works of the masters right in front of me. I felt so happy. Thank you for coming over😀

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      1. mandibelle16

        You’re welcome. I think that seeing the works of artists in real life can’t be beat. It’s usually an amazing experience. To that stand out for me was when I went with my school in elementary school actually. One an exhibit called ‘Ruben’s To Picasso’ another one was an exhibit of tattoos going back to like the 17th century to that present time. Both made a huge impression on me. Cheers

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    1. That’s a huge compliment Ali… thanks a lot 😀. Actually I copied this picture from the book I had bought from the museum. I didn’t have access to oil so I tried my kid’s water colour. I also made changes to the background. I wanted to be like the great Impressionists just for a while so much was I intoxicated by the museum. That is why your compliment means so much!

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