Gulliver Travels to PoliPut

Beyond distorted trees and barren lands, situated half on Earth and half in the Sky, was the mega city – PoliPut. Gulliver consulted his map once again to ensure that he was nearing his destination. 

As he cautiously entered the noisy City, a volley of tweets just missed his ears. Monstrous boards and placards full of accusations stood at every corner. The Politikians were enjoying rowdy rallies where slippers and boots were being hurled. And every nook and corner stank of black wealth.

The Politikians were short in stature but giant shadows accompanied them. The leader was chosen after a round of Yelling Match.

Gulliver also noticed one queer thing. The Politikians used just one emotion – the smiley. They even killed with a smile! It was the strangest land ever! 

(Gulliver did not write any further. Like most honest journalists, he was muted by a smiling Politikian.)

This is my entry to the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers hosted by the amazing Priceless Joy. We are given a photo prompt and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. This challenge is open to all who would like to participate. Thank you Yarnspinnerr for the image. Please CLICK HERE for more.

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