In the name of God!

Two dead terrorists, transformed as beasts, stood for peace in the midst of a terrorist infested locality.

They have had an ‘illustrious’ career. Not long ago, the bull with flowery pattern had died while attacking a school and killing innocent students to please ‘his’ God. The other bull was a suicide bomber who had turned a vibrant city into a morgue. 

They died dreaming of 72 virgins, who were waiting for them in their idea of paradise.

But life after death turned unexpected. There was a dark void up there…no virgins…no God! All they heard was screams and abuses of the dead. They begged for mercy, pleaded, cried, rotted, got dried and burnt…

Finally, they were transformed into colourful sculptures of two beasts and sent back as Peace messengers …to warn others…!

The other terrorists found them hilarious! They twisted their horns and took pleasure in spitting at them. No one heard whispered messages of the bulls – peace and repentance. 

As their doom neared, the scared bulls looked helplessly at the angry sky and shivered.

(This post is written to condemn heartbreaking terrorist attacks all over the world)

This is my entry to the flash fiction challenge, Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writers hosted by the lovely Priceless Joy. We are given a photo prompt and approximately 75-175 words with which to create our stories. This challenge is open to all who would like to participate. For more information, please CLICK HERE. Thank you S Writings for the lovely picture.

43 thoughts on “In the name of God!

  1. mandibelle16

    Shivangi this is a wonderful post. A grim warning for would be terrorists. How awful that the other terrorists would spit and condemn them when worse torments could befall them. I also like the fact that these are huge bright patterned cows used for a message of peace and no one seems to see them or their message. You are a clever writer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So kind of you Mandi! Deeply grateful for your lovely words😀. Terrorists execute attacks in the name of God… but no God endorses this… so they are forsaken and condemned forever. Thanks a lot for brightening my life little more with your sweet message😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. It is an interesting monument and the fiction was wonderful, Shivangi. Each of us has a part to play in turning down the volume on strife and discord in the world. We don’t have time or energy for all of this hatred. So, we shouldn’t stop everything to let them take centre stage.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well said… Wish terrorism could end. So many ordinary people are killed in the name of God. We don’t have the energy for this strife… Wish terrorists could understand this! Thanks a lot for your visit and sharing your thoughts😀

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  3. A warning to all who try to kill innocent people in the name of God. There is no reward for mass murder and terrorism. It’s just men trying to manipulate religion to fit their own selfish desires. I wish there was no terrorism in the world, but if all terrorists came back as plastic bulls for people to spit on (and dogs to pee on 😉 ), that would be the best punishment! Great story!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Nortina…your thoughts echo mine. Wish there was no terrorism! Lately, terrorist attacks have been on the rise. Why killing innocents, I fail to understand..Thanks a lot for your thoughts and encouragement!


  4. ” transformed into colourful sculptures of two beasts and sent back as Peace messengers …to warn others…! …such a great line. Everyone can not fight back the same way… against such terrorism but you have used your writing to express what many have been unable to and you have done it well. Excellent post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So kind of you to say such lovely words. I am glad you liked my post. Terrorism is on the rise and my heart breaks watching the aftermath of such attacks. Wish something touches the thick heads of terrorists and they stop doing such gruesome acts. I want you to know your lovely words motivated me and I will try to write better each time😀


  5. I love the post, you are a truly special person with a wonderful insight. Terrorists have no right to claim that they are acting on behalf of any God. Every religious text I have ever read preaches love, tolerance and peace. Terrorists destroy and don’t respect anyone or anything, they may follow leaders but should question why they are being asked to die for the cause while their leaders remain alive recruiting more innocents to die for the cause.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Very nicely summed up Dave. The terrorist leaders poison minds of ignorant people to serve their own purpose. Every suicide attack breaks our hearts…and it is on the rise. Wish someone or something puts a full stop to it. I am grateful to you for your kind words. Thanks a lot for visiting😀

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      1. You’re welcome Shivangi, love can conquer all so maybe we should show that violence isn’t the way to go? Actually some people see that as a sign of weakness so perhaps we should just remove them from the equation? I would rather give peace a chance than go to war but there are times when you have to fight for your ideals. Peace and love always be with you.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. A great story !!

    Killers and killed both go round in circles of Karma.
    Yesterday’s terrorists, today’s cows and bulls and….tomorrow…always…comes !!

    If your story wins OK but even if the story doesn’t, don’t worry, YOU have
    already….WON !!

    Liked by 1 person

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