Saluting India, My Motherland!


Jai Hind! Here is a wonderful poem by Swami Yogananda on our motherland, India. Sharing it on this 69th Independence Day with cheers and joy.

My India

Better than Heaven or Arcadia
I love thee, O my India!
And thy love I shall give
To every brother nation that lives.
God made the Earth;
Man made confining countries
And their fancy-frozen boundaries.
But with unfound boundless love
I behold the borderland of my India
Expanding into the World.
Hail, mother of religions, lotus, scenic beauty,
and sages!
Thy wide doors are open,
Welcoming God’s true sons through all ages.
Where Ganges, woods, Himalayan caves, and
men dream God –
I am hallowed; my body touched that sod
– by Swami Yogananda, paramhansa

Image courtesy Google

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